

I have spent my perfect summer vacation a month ago. I experienced three things in that time.
At first, I went to Okinawa with my friends. They are some member of my circle. We staied a trip of six days and fivd nights. We could see very beautiful sea in Okinawa, so we snorkeled in the sea. There were a lot of five hours. Later that night, we drunk in Japanese dining bar of Okinawa. This dining bar sold Okinawa's foods, and they were very delicious. We drunk in the all night. Last day I bought a lot of presents for my family, and we came back Kumamoto. This is one of the my perfect vacation things.

Next, I went out camping with my friends in Aso. We canped for three days. We campes out without female, because this camping was survival, so we could not take a bath. I brink a little water, and some foods, but they were not useful, because we ate them in the middle of going Aso's camp place. We were very regret, and I knew water is very important. Second day, we did not have a food and water. We had to drow water from the river, and I filtered the water, and we took a edible wild plants. We drunk the water. This hard thing is good experience for me.

In the end, I played soccer in the game. I came out it as captain. My team is my mother working job place team. My team member were biginnerwithout me, but everyone practiced very hard, so we could have a technique, and power. Thanks to that we could came the final round game. I made a goal in this game, and we could win the victory.

I think I am very nice to experience those. They were very fun and happy. These are my perfect vacation.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Takero -

    I haven't seen you in class recently. Please be careful about your attendance... if you miss one more class you will fail because of absence.

    I will count this essay as Diary 9, so your score is 9/10 for 313 words
